Wow! It's been way, way too long since I've posted. But, I have been struggling with news that I want to share but that I don't really want to share via Facebook due to concerns from my family. I found out in early April that I am pregnant. I prayed to get the BEST birthday present and sure enough, just before the Color Me Rad 5K is when I found out. I opted to not do the 5k just because I didn't have time to converse with my doctor.
I lost my son at 20 weeks due to an incompetent cervix... there were no signs, no warnings that this would happen and that was the hardest part to deal with. I didn't have any pain or any abnormal bleeding. But I knew one morning that I was having too much discharge and the rest is history. When discussing future plans with my OBGYN we decided that when the time came, I would have a preventative cerclage where they would sew my cervix shut around 12-13 weeks.
I found out VERY early that I was pregnant (between 2-3 weeks along). I continued my hip hop regimen as normal and watched my eating although not technically allowed to continue Jenny Craig. I started to spot a little and had my first appointment at the beginning of May. I was cleared to continue exercising but each time I would be moderately active the spotting would happen. The doc reassured me that this is very normal for the first trimester but it'd been too much for me to worry about so I have stopped working out.
It was an inevitable decision because once the cerclage is place I will be under full "pelvic rest" ... google it if you want to know everything I CAN'T do... the lost is shorter of the things I can still do.... but it will all be worth it.
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