Friday, October 3, 2014

Please Help my Go Fund Me Campaign

We found out at 3:00 PM on Friday Oct. 3rd that Moctar's younger brother, Issa was killed in an attack in Mali. Moctar needs to get home to assist his family but we have some challenges. 

First, Moctar's passport is expired, second he has just started a new job and doesn't have income until Oct. 15th. All my income is currently going to paying our bills and has been used preparing for our daughter's arrival in December. I have just barely enough to use my credit card and buy plane tickets as soon as we find out when he can get his passport but, not knowing if/when Moctar will be able to keep his current job if he goes to Niger, the financials are our hurdle. Also, I can't send him without cash to handle his family affairs when he arrives in Niger.

Even if it's $1 or $5 please know that anything would be helpful and I pray that I can return the favor anyway possible.

A Message From Moctar:

My brother Issa who is a soldier from Niger on mission for the United Nations in Mali was killed in an ambush by suspected terrorists.
"The measure of a man: not how he died, but how he lived ... Not what did he gain, but what did he give... these are the units to measure the worth of a man."
Issa was such a close, great brother to me. Death brings a pain that only time can heal. No words could ease what we truly feel but with God his joy is eternally sealed. Cherish his memories that not even death can steal. We live on in our memories and we will live on forever. All my prayers are with you. Rest in Peace.
<<Mon frère Issa qui est un soldat du Niger en mission pour l' Organisation des Nations Unies au Mali a été tué dans une embuscade tendue par des terroristes présumés .
" La mesure d'un homme : pas comment il est mort , mais comment il a vécu ... Pas ce que ce qu'il a gagné , mais qu'est-ce qu'il donne ... ce sont les unités de mesure de la valeur d'un homme . "
Issa était un très bon frère a moi et si proche. La mort apporte une douleur que seul le temps peut guérir . Pas de mots pourraient faciliter ce que nous ressentons vraiment , mais avec Dieu sa joie est éternellement scellés . Chérir ses souvenirs que même la mort ne peut voler . Nous vivons dans nos mémoires éternellement . Toutes mes prières sont avec toi . Repose en paix. Amin. >>

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