My cervical cerclage went really well. I actually was really lucky. I was in the general OR and everyone started showing up for processing at 5:30 AM... there were so many people, many different procedures. Well, right at 7:25 as the ORs became available they were all put on hold. There was a problem with the AC and the rooms had gotten to over 100ยบ and the humidity caused too many problems. So, once they had fixed the AC then they had to deep clean all the rooms.
At about ten AM I got news that they could move me upstairs to labor and delivery to use their OR for my cerclage. The team from the other OR accompanied my doctor and I was given my spinal. Man that was some fast working medicine. My doctor was amazing. He held my hand, rubbed my shoulder and was so encouraging. After Peace Corps, shots seem like nothing anymore and I think the spinal was actually easier than my previous epidurals. The anesthesiologist was great... not too quick, talked me through each step and did everything painlessly -- despite the little sting of the numbing medication but no one can avoid that.
It was funny when I got back down to the regular recovery room. It was a ghost town and everyone cheered as they wheeled me down because they were so bored with no patients. I started laying down and was trying so hard to move my legs but to no avail. It was funny... I could almost feel my brain working overdrive sending messages but my legs not being able to do anything. I've never been that in tune with my brain I guess.
My numbness wore off a lot faster than they expected because, man, was I determined to get home! I was so hungry from not having eaten and the surgery being delayed. By the time I left (approx. 8 hours after arriving) they had only opened 5 of their 30 ORs. So, I feel blessed that I was the first one to get to go. A cerclage is not necessarily something you can wait on. But thankfully I wasn't at all dilated and I even got to hear baby's heartbeat again...
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