Friday, June 13, 2014

Week 13/14

My last post I was about ten weeks pregnant. I was so tired but I was also eating horribly. I had let all my hard work go to the wayside and I indulged. The next weekend I went to Weight Watchers with my mom. I went as a support system for her but it did me good to sit with all the people and hear about all the struggles I've dealt with and to hear their encouragement. That next week I got my eating back on track and have been maintaining my weight around 200.

So, now I want to keep everyone updated on how I'm doing each week during my pregnancy, although I can't wait to be back on the fast track to my goal weight in 2015. My due date is 12/13/14 which would be AWESOME if baby was born that day but, alas, I will most likely be having a c-section as I did with Henna so it will be scheduled at least a week before that date.

Due date:  12/13/14

How far along: 13 weeks 6 days

How big is baby? Lemon

Gender:  Don't know yet -- Henna started talking about her sister before I told her we were having a baby? So, very interested to see...

Maternity clothes:  None -- wearing my size 16 stretch jeans from torrid and sundresses!

Sleep: I've taken to sleeping on my side easily this pregnancy and get really great sleep but I wake up like clockwork to pee at 4:30 every day

Food cravings:  Chipotle and white rice with soy sauce

Symptoms:  sore boobs, weepiness, severe pregnancy brain (and possible still residual pregnancy brain from my other 2 pregnancies, haha)

Movement:  I've been feeling movement since last week -- feels like bubbles but can't feel anything externally

What I miss:  dirty martinis

What I'm loving: having my energy back

Monday I am going in to have a cerclage. I lost my son at 20 weeks due to incompetent cervix but in my medical history, there was no real reason for me to have experienced this. So, we decided as a preventative measure this would be the best course of action.

Monday I will go into the OR and have an epidural. Then they will put a stitch in my cervix and close it until about week 37. Then the stitch will be removed and nature will take it's course from there. I'd be lying if I said I wasn't nervous. There's going to be even more lifestyle changes in things I can and can't do after the cerclage is in place. My doctor is rather conservative and I'm okay with that... obviously, or he wouldn't be my doctor.

Monday and Tuesday I will be down for the count. Moctar has taken Monday off to take me to and from the hospital and Henna will be staying with my parents Sunday night through at least Wednesday morning. I'm hoping that my recovery will be relatively easy and no side effects. So, please say a prayer or keep me in your thoughts.

I look forward to coming back each week and going over how my pregnancy is progressing.

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